Thursday, March 26, 2009

Birthing: Who is the specialist?

As I drove up and down the DND flyway each day, I found these series of advertisments on billboards. As it is with kids asking questions ... mine were full of them on long drives. They first brought to my notice how each billboard was a speciality... some of which like Gastro I explained to them.

And then they said "Oh! Birthing is a speciality too".

This stayed with me for many days. Do the hospitals see this "Birthing" the way we (my birth friends) do ? So I took this video as I drove past the billboards the next time around. See how Birthing, not birth though is tucked away between Lungs and Cancer.

Each of these department have specialists, who would diagnose and treat each of the problems. Its no surprise that Department of Birthing, will diagonse the Symptoms of pregnancy and treat us with best care of specialists.

Birthing is a speciality, but the important question is who is the specialist? Its something to think about


  1. This is a point well taken!

    Very powerful message - Thank you!


  2. The messages the billboard sends is a powerful one--that birthing is a medical condition to be "managed" by the medical facility. The fact that the kids noticed this means that even at their young age, they are old enough to see and inquire about this. So good!
    I really enjoyed the slideshow you posted. Very well done, thanks!

