Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hypnobirth in Mumbai

The following birthstory has been told by Kasia Wierzbicka. She can reached on email at
"Ever since I started teaching yoga to pregnant women I felt it's very special to have this opportunity to be able to contribute something to both of them, the mother, and the baby and I believed that both of them can really benefit in many ways. But ever since I heard about HypnoBirthing I got even more enthusiastic, because this time also father was involved in the process, and they became complete, loving family, working together in harmony for better future…I was always admiring pregnant women moving slowly, and gracefully, with a beautiful glow on their faces .When I met Jaipali, she was exactly this type of mom! I was very happy to have her in my first HypnoBirthig class. She came with her mom, since her husband was in USA, but he was planning to come back to have baby with her. So we decided she will attend first 2 sessions by herself, and once Ashok is back we will do extra class for him, and he will join the last 2 sessions. They were both very eager to do this program, since Jaipali's first baby was breach, even though she was preparing for natural birth from the beginning, she ended up with c-section. She said "I wish I have known about HypnoBirthing then, I would know what to do". It was all in USA 3 years ago. So this time she decided to do all that is possible to be in sink with her body and her baby and have natural birth. She was very relaxed and calm about it, having totally positive approach form the very beginning. Practice of yoga and transidental meditation helped her throughout last few years, and it really came handy now because she could slip into her deep relaxation very easily! The only obstacle was her doctor, which was known for high rate of cesarean section, offered her routine episiotomy and the menu full of interventions, which she wasn't interested at…. There was only one choice, to look for knew doctor, that will give her a chance to birth her second baby naturally, despite being Vback as they call it in medical terms. I recommended her Dr Amit, with whom I did HypnoBirthing course. I also advised her to use a midwife to have more support and confidence. Selecting the right care providers is 70% of the success in achieving natural birth! As long as mother isn't relaxed and trusting in the environment where she is giving birth it might be much more difficult and obstacles might come. It's a natural defense system of the mother and the child…
We went through our HypnoBirthing sessions beautifully. There was one more couple in the class, and once it got over I felt I will ask Jaipali, if she would like me to come to her birth. She said yes. On Tuesday 18th I was thinking about Jaipali so I just called dr Amit to tell him I will also come to the hospital, and he says she is already admitted! So I just rushed there, and I met both parents smiling, relaxed as usual. It seamed like it was just the beginning, so I said I will go home, change and come back, but in few hours we realized that they were labor warm ups, so they returned home. Then finally on 22nd of November I got a call at 3am, that this time it was for real! So I quickly pack my old cd player, our HypnoBirhting scripts and rush.
When I entered Ashok was giving Jaipali light touch massage and they were going through the surges together so beautifully! I started to read HypnoBirthing scripts to her so she went deeply into her body and connected to her baby. Hours were passing, but none of us felt time. The surges were closer, and closer. Lina, the midwife joined us after 2 hours, and Dr Amit came around 7am. Jaipali was either on her side breathing through the surges, later standing up by her bed and in supported squat with Ashok against the wall. At the last stage she decided to lie down on her back. We elevated her upper body with pillows. Ashok and Lina were by her sides giving all the support she needed and I was behind, by her head whispering in her ears HypnoBirthing scripts. By the 8:30 baby came! We learnt it was really big 3.77kg, that's why it took some time, but it was worth it! Mom needed 1 stitch, since she had only small tear. We were all so happy!
After the birth many reflections come…Would it be easer for her to birth in some other position with the help of gravity….It would be good to have some light music (my old cd player refused to work)….But now it all feels fine. Family is happy, baby was so alert and breast fed immediately! The father looked ecstatic and said that every dad should be there by their wife's side and witness their baby coming into this world! Jaipali admitted during her birth and after, that HypnoBirthig scripts and relaxations really helped her and the thought of taking any sort of pain killer hasn't even crossed her mind!
It was amazing to witness the miracle of giving life and I will definitely attend more births as a doula and HypnoBirthing practitioner to support more families in that beautiful journey! " - Kasia

1 comment:

  1. Big congratulations to all of you. It's wonderful to hear HypnoBirthing stories from all over the world.
    Stella in Bakersfield, Ca
