Friday, August 14, 2009

Divine - Coincidence

This one one of the most amazing birth I have had recently. Right before I was going to be a part of the HypnoBirthing Practitioner's training workshop, this birth was like a sign from above that I was onto the right path. Early morning, the dad called and told me that the mom was begining to feel something but she was comfortable. She had listened to rainbow relaxation during the course of the morning. As I went through my day, she was in my thoughts. At 1:45 pm, when I spoke to the dad, she had just finished lunch and was palnning to rest for a bit before going to the hospital. All this while she was completely in touch with her feelings.
As they reach the hospital a little before 4, she was 80% effaced and about 4 cm dilated. We had talked about coming back home if was early, however, she decided to stay.
At 5:30 pm, she wanted to be in water. I got going to the hospital and she took a shower. When I saw her at 6 pm, she was deep inside herself. Sitting on the bed, working with her surges.
At 6:30 pm she was ready to birth the baby and the baby was in her arms at 7:10 pm.
While she was keen on water birth, she did not restrict her self to planning it one way. I think she went with it... right till the end.
Later she told me that she knew all along where she was in her body and in her mind. She also told me that in the part where we ask them to ask their baby how long their birthing would be... the baby had said 2 and a half hours. Not very long after birth I caught this picture of the baby gazing at his absolutely delighted mom

Here is Arunima sharing her birth story

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