Monday, March 29, 2010

Unborn Babies respond to Mothers Moods


A recent article in the Mail Online said

Why pregnant film fans should stick to happy movies

Always remember the elder and older giving advice to the pregnant women … to be happy, read ‘good’ books, think ‘good’ thoughts … and now this article is also on the same lines…

There is enough evidence that says that babies are intrinsically linked to the mothers body, emotions and moods. Time and again there have been studies about how the baby grows not just in body but as a complete human being right from the moment of conception. Surprisingly very little attention is paid to that aspect of pregnancy.

Nature in its wisdom, gets mom to do a lot instinctively a lot of bonding work with the baby yet there is so much more that we miss out on with today's fast and furious life.

Yet another interesting finding about the baby’s brain having twice as much connections at birth as an adult… Finally we know that the babies are born smart and by the time they live through our world .. we manage to dumb them up.

And lastly, while we mindfully eat to grow the baby’s body, should we feed his soul with a little slice of awareness, higher consciousness, spirituality, faith or humanity.. whatever it is that is your thing.

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As always… happy reading.

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