The labour started slow and easy and thats how she took it .... slow and easy. When she called me to say she was having mild discomfort for the whole day, I wasn't in the most receptive moods. Yes, we doulas can have a bad day. I think I said lets see through the night if it picks up. All I wanted was the day to end. When I woke the next morning, she was my first thought. I waited for a decent hour (could not wait beyond 7:30 am) before sending her a message.
She was definetely in labour and it was slow and easy all night. We talked when the hour got more decent at about 9, she was heading for the hospital. This time I suggested if it was early she should go back home. Less than two hours later I got another call from the father to be letting me know that she was going to be in the hospital. I knew I was in this birth from that first waking moment. I wanted to be there.
As I reached the hospital she was 5 cms, active labour, back ache and sleepy....
Before I knew it I had her striding a high back chair resting her head, with a hot water bottle at her back and getting her to eat something. We were going to have a baby.
For me time stops at births, so the minutes, hours cease to matter. Many a sips of water, and deep breaths, trips to the bathroom, arm and back rub downs later.... one contraction, the sound of that breath changed. A nurse said dont make any sounds and the mom was moaning and bearing down. And all I could think was ...the bags are intact.
I know that was I felt at that time was completely different from what the parents felt, I also know what I felt at the time was just as powerful as what the new parents felt. I hope I was able to bring something more to their birth as their birth brought to my life.
I learnt a very valuable lesson as I walked out of this birth:
Your faith is tested at many points in life and it is that very faith that takes you through each of those tests.